Видеоэксурсия по аэропорту Звартноц: правила поведения в период пандемии
Детальная видеоэксурсия по аэропорту Звартноц: правила поведения в период пандемии
Several dozen states are now open for Russians, with some even direct flights have been restored. True, not everything can be visited by a tourist: the rules are constantly changing, they are making specifications. Nevertheless, travelers have a choice. For details on what documents to issue for a trip to different countries, how many coronavirus tests to pass, where to go through quarantine and how not to run into a fine after returning to Russia - in the material of RIA Novosti.
General rules
Before traveling to almost all countries, you need to do a PCR test for COVID-19, preferably in a certified laboratory. But the requirements for certificates are different everywhere: somewhere they will ask for a QR code, somewhere - not only the original, but also a copy of the document. It is also worth clarifying in what language it should be issued.
And wherever you go, be sure to take out health insurance, which also covers the costs of treating coronavirus.
In any case, before traveling, find out what rules for tourists are currently in force in your chosen country.
The country's authorities are urging citizens to strictly observe security measures to reduce the spread of infection. The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in Armenia increased to 14,103, the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports on Wednesday.
For comparison, we note that, as of June 9, the country had 13 675 confirmed cases of infection. Thus, over the past day 428 new cases of infection were detected.
Flights Moscow - Yerevan will be operated from February 15 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Return flights are on Mondays, Sundays and two flights on Thursdays. It is noted that the frequency of flights to Nur-Sultan, Minsk, Cairo, Bishkek is increasing.
Flights Moscow - Yerevan will be operated from February 15 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Return flights are on Mondays, Sundays and two flights on Thursdays. It is noted that the frequency of flights to Nur-Sultan, Minsk, Cairo, Bishkek is increasing. In addition, flights from St. Petersburg to Minsk are opening.
From February 14, they will be operated by the subsidiary airline Rossiya under the commercial management of Aeroflot (under the code SU) on Sundays. The frequency of flights from Moscow to Minsk has been increased to five times a week. Flights will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Source: https://ru.armeniasputnik.am/
"We inform you that some Russian sites began offering tickets for regular flights from Russian cities to Armenia from August 1. But we want to note that the process of restoring regular communication between the countries has not yet been completed, the timing of the resumption of flights is at the stage of discussion," ...
The Civil Aviation Committee of Armenia urged citizens not to rush to purchase tickets for regular flights from Russia.